Mounting and Unmounting File Systems
Hpux operating systems use the mount and umount commands to mount and unmount file systems respectively
Use the following general operator system commands for disks that are not under LVM or VxVM control:
diskinfo :-to describe the characteristics of a disk device
df :-to report the number of free file system disk blocks
du :-to summarize disk usage
quota :-to display disk usage and limits
Prealloc:- to preallocate disk storage
Use the following commands for disks under LVM control:
Pvdisplay:- to display properties of LVM disks (physical volumes)
Lvdisplay :-to display properties of LVM logical volumes
vgdisplay :-to display information about LVM volume groups
Use the following commands for disks under VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) control:
Vxdisk:- to display properties of VxVM disks
Vxdg:- to display properties of VxVM disk groups
Vxprint:- to display information about the VxVM configuration
dcopy :-The dcopy command copies an existing HFS file system (usually a character device) to a new HFS file system (preferably a block device), compressing directories by removing vacant entries and spacing consecutive blocks in a file by the optimal rotational gap. Both file systems should be unmounted.
Df:-The HP-UX df command displays the number of free 512-byte blocks and free inodes available for file systems by examining the counts kept in the superblock or superblocks. If a special or a directory is unspecified, the free space on all mounted file systems is displayed. If the arguments to df are path names, df reports on the file systems containing the named files. The -F option of the HP-UX df command designates the file system type.
edquota :-The edquota command, which is available on hpux operating systems, is a quota editor that allows you to add and modify user and group quotas and modify file system quota grace periods. Use the edquota command to display the existing quota information.
extendfs :- This commands used to extend file systems.Under HP-UX, the -F option allows you to specify the file system type that you are expanding; the command examines the /etc/default/fs file if that option is not given. Also, the HP-UX version of this command has an additional option that lets you query for the current size of the file system.
extendfs_hfs and extendfs_vxfs commands :-The extend_hfs and extend_vxfs commands are wrappers for the HP-UX extendfs command. They are used to extend an HFS file system and a VxFS file system, respectively.
fsadm, fsadm_hfs, and fsadm_vxfs commands:-The fsadm command performs selected administration tasks on file systems. These tasks may differ between file system types. The fsadm_hfs and fsadm_vxfs commands are wrappers for the HP-UX fsadm command. They are used to administer an HFS file system and a VxFS file system, respectively.
The fsck command is used to check file systems and repair them if necessary. The HP-UX version of the fsck command has an option (-F) with which you specify the file system type.
fsck_hfs and fsck_vxfs commands :-The fsck_hfs and fsck_vxfs commands are wrappers for the HP-UX fsck command. They are used to check and repair an HFS file system and a VxFS file system, respectively.
fsclean :-The fsclean command reads the superblock of an HFS file system to determine whether that file system’s last shutdown was performed correctly.
fsdb :-The fsdb command is used to repair a damaged file system after a crash. There are few options, but they differ between the operating systems(hpux& tru64)
fsdb_hfs and fsdb_vxfs commands :-The fsdb_hfs and fsdb_vxfs commands are wrappers for the HP-UX fsdb command. They are used to debug and repair an HFS file system and a VxFS file system, respectively.
mkdir :-The mkdir command creates directories that can be used for file system mountpoints.
lv* commands
The following commands are available for LVM operations on logical volumes:
lvchange :-Change LVM logical volume characteristics
lvcreate :-Create logical volume in LVM volume group
Lvdisplay:- Display information about LVM logical volumes
Lvextend:- Increase space, increase mirrors for LVM logical volume
lvlnboot :-Prepare LVM logical volume to be root, boot, primary swap, or dump volume
lvmerge :-Merge two LVM logical volumes into one logical volume
Lvmmigrate:- Prepare root file system for migration from partitions to LVM logical volumes
lvreduce :-Decrease space allocation or the number of mirror copies of logical volumes
lvremove :-Remove one or more logical volumes from LVM volume group
lvrmboot :-Remove LVM logical volume link to root, primary swap, or dump volume
lvsplit :-Split mirrored LVM logical volume into two logical volumes
lvsync :-Synchronize stale mirrors in LVM logical volumes
mkfs :-The HP-UX mkfs command creates a file system; the file system type is specified with the -F option.
mount :-The mount command is used to mount a file system, that is, to attach a file system to a directory (a mountpoint) so that the files on the mounted file system can be accessed. The file systems are unmounted with the umount command. Using the mount command without any options or arguments displays the currently mounted file systems. The options for this command vary between both operating systems; for example, the -F option under the HP-UX operating system specifies the file system type
mount_hfs and mount_vxfs commands:-The mount_hfs and mount_vxfs commands are wrappers for the HP-UX mount command. They are used to mount an HFS file system and a VxFS file system, respectively.
newfs :-The newfs command is used to create a new file system on a disk. Specifically, the HP-UX version of this command creates an HFS or VxFS file system, as designated with the -F option, on a disk.
newfs_hfs and newfs_vxfs commands :-The newfs_hfs and newfs_vxfs commands are wrappers for the HP-UX newfs command. They create an HFS file system and a VxFS file system, respectively.
pfs_mount command :-The pfs_mount command is used to mount a CD-ROM.
pv* commands
The following commands are available for LVM operations on physical volumes:
pvchange :-Change characteristics and access path of physical volume in LVM volume group
pvckcheck :- or repair a physical volume in LVM volume group
pvcreate :-Create physical volume for use in LVM volume group
pvdisplay :-Display information about LVM physical volumes within LVM volume group
pvmove :-Move allocated physical extents from one LVM physical volume to other physical volumes
pvremove :-Remove LVM data structure from a physical volume
quotacheck command
The quotacheck command examines each of the specified file systems, building a table of current disk usage,then compares this table against the table stored in the disk quota file for the file system. Both the quota file and the current system copy of the incorrect quotas are updated if any inconsistencies are detected. the option to
specify the file system type under HP-UX is -F;
swapon :-Under HP-UX, the swapon command enables devices or file systems on which paging is to take place; swap devices are listed in the /etc/stab file.
swapinfo :-The swapinfo command displays information about device and file system paging space.
tunefs :-Use the tunefs command to alter dynamic parameters that affect the file system layout policies under HFS and UFS.
umount :-The umount command unmounts a file system.
vg* commands
The following commands are available for LVM operations on volume groups:
Vgvcfgbackup:- Create or update LVM volume group configuration backup file
vgvcfgrestore :-Display or restore LVM volume group configuration from backup file
vgchange :-Set LVM volume group availability
vgchgid :-Modify the Volume Group ID (VGID) on a given set of physical devices
vgcreate :-Create LVM volume group
vgdisplay :-Display information about LVM volume groups
vgexport :-Export an LVM volume group and its associated logical volumes
vgextend :-Extend an LVM volume group by adding physical volumes
vgimport :-Import an LVM volume group onto the system
vgreduce :-Remove physical volumes from an LVM volume group
vgremove :-Remove LVM volume group definition from the system
vgscan :-Scan physical volumes for LVM volume groups
vgsync :-Synchronize stale logical volume mirrors in LVM volume groups
vxdiskadm :-The vxdiskadm command provides a menu-driven interface to perform common VxVM disk administration tasks. The vxdiskadm command is an interactive script that prompts you for responses and supplies default values where appropriate.
vxtunefs :-The vxtunefs commands sets or prints tunable I/O parameters of mounted file systems; this command can set parameters describing the I/O properties of the underlying device, the parameters to indicate when to treat an I/O as direct I/O, or the parameters to control the extent allocation policy for the specified file system. Storage and File System Administration
The vx* commands
The following commands are available for LVM operations:
vxdiskusg :-Generate VxFS disk accounting data by user ID
vxdump :-rvxdump Incremental VxFS file system dump, local or across network
vxenablef :-Enable VxFS DMAPI or OnLineJFS functionality in the kernel
vxfsconvert :-Convert a file system to a VxFS file system
vxlicense :-VxFS and VxVM licensing key utility
Vxrestore :- rvxrestore Restore file system incrementally, local, or across network
vxupgrade :-Upgrade the disk layout of a VxFS file system